Funny Animals

Funny Animals
Oh hi there ISYS100! :)

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Bird Rights?

Funny talking animals is one thing, but funny talking animals with Twitter pages is a whole new level. Take for example (and my personal favourite): @ProBirdRights. It makes no sense and the English is terrible, but over 125 thousand people follow this Twitter account. What makes it so popular? I have no idea and I'm not ready to discuss this. Actually I might, a little (yup, this is the slightly more boring bit [you mean to say this wasn't boring already?] "pls"). 

Memes. Yeah, I can't believe I even managed to do that (incorporate memes into a blog about funny animals), but it all comes down to memes and what's 'trendy' on the internet. With the whole "Doge movement" and the "much wow", "such good" phase the internet went through, poorly written sentences and the incorrect use of grammar took the interwebs by storm (I think - I haven't actually researched this - feel free to totally slam this "research" in the comments). So, I guess you could say this all started with one funny talking animal the internet dubbed "doge", a Shiba Inu adopted by a Japanese Kindergarten teacher (more info here).

I guess it's like an equation then:

animal + bad english = funny

Well, that's the really simplified equation. I guess the animal has to be "cute" in some way or another (maybe birds are cute? It's all about perspective) and a lot of the world doesn't speak English - so "bad [insert language here]" would be more appropriate. And anyway, sometimes jokes can get lost in translation, so what might be funny in Arabic wont be funny in German or Mandarin.

So I'm going to change the equation to:

"kinda-cute-I-guess-how-does-one-define-cute-don't-get-so-philosophical-about-it" animal + bad [insert language here that will translate well in any other language] = funny

And that's that (there's a whole lot more but I'm gonna stop before this gets even more embarrassing than it already is).

I shall leave with some wise words from this "birds rights activist":

You advocate those bird rights, you little champion.


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